Digital Mammography with CAD

Digital mammography with CAD (computer-aided detection) is a medical imaging technique used to screen for breast cancer. It is a type of mammogram that uses digital technology to create detailed images of the breast tissue, and CAD technology to help detect and analyze any abnormalities in the images.
Breast cancer is caused by the abnormal growth of cells in the breast tissue. While the exact cause of breast cancer is not known, certain risk factors such as age, family history, and genetics may increase the likelihood of developing the disease.
In the early stages, breast cancer may not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, as the cancer grows, symptoms may include a lump or thickening in the breast tissue, changes in the size or shape of the breast, nipple discharge, or changes in the skin texture or appearance of the breast.
Digital mammography with CAD is used as a screening tool for breast cancer. During the procedure, the patient stands in front of the mammography machine, and the breast is compressed between two plates to create a clear image. The images are then analyzed by the radiologist and the CAD software to identify any potential abnormalities.
If an abnormality is detected, further testing may be necessary, such as a diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound, or biopsy.
The treatment for breast cancer depends on the stage and type of the cancer. Treatment options may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of these treatments.
Digital mammography with CAD is generally considered safe and non-invasive. However, there is a small risk of radiation exposure during the procedure. It is important for patients to discuss the risks and benefits of digital mammography with their healthcare provider.
It is also important for women to perform monthly breast self-exams, and to report any changes or abnormalities in their breast tissue to their healthcare provider.
Digital mammography with CAD can sometimes produce false positive results, which can cause unnecessary anxiety and additional testing. It is important for patients to discuss the risks and benefits of digital mammography with their healthcare provider to determine if it is the best option for them. Additionally, if breast cancer is detected, there is a risk of complications from treatment, such as infection, bleeding, or side effects from radiation or chemotherapy.

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